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PRME Chapter France & Benelux

The 9th & 10th of November 2017, over 40 deans and representatives of Benelux and France business schools, universities and their stakeholders, gathered together to endorse the creation of a France/Benelux PRME chapter. This Chapter will focus upon furthering sustainability within the educational sector through collaborative initiatives and sharing best practices.

This community is dedicated to educational and business changes toward a sustainable society under the umbrella of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative of the UN Global Compact.


The France-Benelux PRME Chapter envisions to transform the mindset of business and society, in the region, by making ethics, sustainability, and responsible management education the norm.


The France-Benelux PRME Chapter aims to embrace, engage and achieve our vision in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, and through a proactive co-creation of solutions by:

● Steering an agenda for impact

● Going above and beyond the achievement of the SDGs through developing joint research and educational projects.


● Passion

● Respect

● Inclusiveness

● Motivational

● Entrepreneurial

The PRME France BeNeLux chapter meets at least 1x per year. In these Chapter meetings, best practices are shared, guest speakers are invited to inspire and develop knowledge of participants further, and most importantly, collaboration is created through projects that the chapter has chosen to focus on.

In 2019, the Chapter chose to focus on creating of various projects between Chapter members. Examples included the analyzing of existing Sustainability Assessment Tools, to provide some recommendations for Higher Education Institutions, and potentially, if a need is identified, create a PRME Sustainability Assessment Tool. An SDG Barometer project was launched, and various research projects have since been created between Chapter members.

These projects are regularly updated, and discussed during our yearly Chapter meetings.

2021 PRME France-BeNeLux Chapter Meeting: 13-15 October in Toulouse!


In late 2006 The Global Compact Office issued a call to Schools of Business and Management around the world, to come together and develop principles that would guide an ethical approach to management education and promote research and teaching in ‘corporate social responsibility, sustainability and corporate citizenship’. As a result of this initiative, faculty from schools on all continents contributed to the development of the six Principles, and signed up to undertake:

‘ institutions of higher education involved in the development of current and future managers, we declare our willingness to progress in the implementation, within our institution, of the following Principles, starting with those that are more relevant to our capacities and mission. We will report on progress to all our stakeholders and exchange effective practices related to these principles with other academic institutions:

Principle 1 | Purpose: We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.

Principle 2 | Values: We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.

Principle 3 | Method: We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership.

Principle 4 | Research: We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value.

Principle 5 | Partnership: We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges.

Principle 6 | Dialogue: We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators, students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organisations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability’ These Principles (UN-backed PRME) should be placed in the context of the wider Global Compact which was launched in 2000 by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, to harness the power of collective action in the promotion of responsible corporate citizenship. The Compact pro vides a framework of 10 principles within which companies are invited to manage their operations:

  1. To support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  2. To ensure that business is not complicit in human rights abuses;
  3. To uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right of collective bargaining;
  4. To support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  5. To support the effective abolition of child labour;
  6. To support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;
  7. To support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  8. To undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
  9. To encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies;
  10. To work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

During 2017, a number of s PRME signoraties in The Netherlands, Belgium and through the Conference des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) in France and Ireland based signatories of UN-backed PRME made contact and met to explore the value and possible function of a France Benelux Chapter as part of the Global Compact’s programme of establishing regional Chapters. It was decided to proceed, and since then there has been a developing programme of activity including:

  1. liaison with the Global Compact office and its PRME Secretariat;
  2. organising introductory meetings to discuss the establishment of the Chapter
  3. exploring a range of events and activities to support existing members and attract new members.;
  4. engaging with the Global Compact Local Networks in the Netherlands, Belgium and France
  5. drawing up governance documents for the Chapter
  6. establishing a vision, mission, values and objectives for the Chapter

Vision, Mission, Values Objectives and Activities France Benelux PRME Chapter

This document sets out the basis upon which the France Benelux of UN-backed PRME Chapter will operate. It affirms its Purpose, Key Objectives, Key Principles, Programme Content and governance.


“The France-Benelux PRME Chapter envisions to transform the mindset of business and society, in the region, by making ethics, sustainability, and responsible management education the norm “


“The France-Benelux PRME Chapter aims to embrace, engage and achieve our vision in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, and through a proactive co-creation of solutions by:

  • · Steering an agenda for impact by going above and beyond the achievement of the SDGs through developing joint research and educational projects.”



Objectives & Activities

A 5 year roadmap has been constructed with signatory input at the launch meeting in November 2017 and the Marseille Chapter meeting in May 2018. It describes the key objectives for the Chapter.

In Annex I and Annex II the roadmap and activity map is displayed.

Governance and Management of the France Benelux PRME Chapter

Steering Committee Terms of Reference Proposal

  1. The Chapter Steering Committee (SC) will determine priorities, approve the activity plan, oversee and advise the Chapter Secretariat, and take responsibility for the proper governance of the Chapter’s program in consultation with the PRME Chapter France Benelux participants.
  2. It may consist of between 6 to 8 participants (or other such number as deemed appropriate by the Chapter Steering Committee) drawn from diverse PRME signatory institutions with a minimum requirement of having 1 representative per country. A quorum of two thirds is required to make any decision
    1. Observer/standing invitation: Global Compact representatives of each country, and the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles in France
  3. SC meets as often as required but no less than twice a year. For this purpose a meeting can take place by electronic means.

It is a privilege to sit on the SC and its members carry responsibility to deliver upon agreed objectives set by the Chapter. If a SC member is non-active, it is the responsibility of the Chair to engage with the member and Dean of the institution concerned to seek ways to increase engagement. If unsuccessful, the Chair/SC can propose to replace that institution/member.

Responsibilities of the Steering Committee:

  1. To ensure that the Chapter commits to the growth and engagement of PRME with respect to implementing the six principles of PRME and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
  2. To report appropriately to members on the Chapter’s activities.
  3. To produce the Chapter Activities Report and file this with the PRME Secretariat.
  4. To organize such activities as required to achieve the mission and vision of the Chapter.
  5. To develop partnerships and actively cooperate, where appropriate, with other organizations or groups in ways that promote PRME, the UN Global Compact in general and the interests of the Chapter in particular.
  6. To increase the visibility of PRME and its signatories in the region.

Election of Office Bearers of the Chapter Steering Committee

Elections should follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Members are asked for nominations for position(s);
  2. Individuals may nominate themselves (if officially supported by their school/university);
  3. Nominated individuals are contacted to determine whether they are willing to stand for role.
  4. In the event of multiple candidates, a folded paper (confidential) vote will be taken at the next scheduled Chapter Meeting. Members unable to attend will be able to vote by email via the Chapter Secretariat. If the vote results in a tie, the sitting Chair will cast the deciding vote.
  5. In the event of there being only one willing, nominated candidate for a role, the appointment will be approved by the Chapter Steering Committee.
  6. Criteria:
    1. Mandates for a minimum 2 year term, maximum 3 years term. Mandates can be renewed once allowing for a member to serve two terms in a row.
  7. Nominees need to be PRME signatories from the France Benelux region and have a network in the region they represent

Specific tasks of the Steering Committee:

  1. Maintain regular contact and exchange with the PRME Secretariat and Global Compact Office, other PRME Chapters Secretariats and Global Compact Local Networks (in particular Global Compact Local Networks in France Benelux region) on behalf of the Chapter;
  2. Keep Chapter participants updated with PRME and Global Compact;
  3. Organise an annual meeting for Chapter members;
  4. Coordinate the maintenance of a website for the Chapter;
  5. Provide informed input and materials to enhance discussion on PRME;
  6. Liaise with other appropriate organizations, other than specified in point 1, as may be required from time to time on behalf of the Chapter;
  7. Facilitate the direction of queries raised by the Chapter signatories from time to time;
  8. Maintain membership database
  9. Invoice participants directly according to the Chapter participant potential fee policy and schedule;
  10. Prepare an annual report on the activities and finances of the Chapter.

Steering Committee 2018/2020 overview and tasks

For the governance period 2019/2020 the organization of task division is as follows

Tasks of the Steering Committee

Division of Roles and Responsibilities

  • Maintain regular contact and exchange with the PRME Secretariat and Global Compact Office and other PRME Chapters Secretariats
  • Prepare an annual report on the activities and finances (if appropriate)
  • Maintain membership database

Chapter Chair – Antwerp Management School

  • Shape Chapter meeting with hosting organization
  • Prepare agenda with them and rest of SC
  • Prepare meeting of SC with the Chair and circulate the minutes of the meetings
  • Support Chair in preparing the annual report on the activities

Secretary– Tias School for Business and Society

  • Keep Chapter participants updated on PRME
  • Ensure engagement of PRME members in dedicated region
  • Inform prospective members of PRME and direct them towards the secretariat
  • Maintain regular contact with Global Compact Local Networks (in particular Global Compact Local Networks in France Benelux region) on behalf of the Chapter;
  • Identify and liaise with other appropriate organizations
  • Facilitate the direction of queries raised by the Chapter signatories from time to time

Divided by country as follows:

France: Kedge, Audencia, ICN and TBS, each representing a region within France (account management system)

Netherlands: account management system

Belgium: Antwerp Management School

Divided by country as follows:
France – Kedge
Netherlands – Tias

Belgium – AMS

As above


  • Newsletter – Chapter Updates, sharing best practices, etc.
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Checking progress of project groups and informing SG on this

Maastricht School of Management

PRME Secretariat

Via individual accounts, school accounts and PRME Secretariat account

Project Coordination


Steering Committee 2021-2023 overview and tasks:



Working with/in coordination


  • Representation and admin with PRME Global

  • Inter-chapter Communications and meetings

  • Partnerships (Global Compact; strategic partners)




  • Assist the chapter chair in organising and preparing meetings

  • Replace chapter chair in case of absence in PRME-related meetings

  • Help dispatching emails to steering group and others

  • Help the chair prepare the annual report

  • Collect & prepare impact stories & testimonies



Communications Manager:

  • Press

  • Update our chapter’s presence on Website (PRME Global)

  • Draft minutes of the meeting

  • Work with New member manager in inviting new members to LinkedIn

  • Activate the LinkedIn group

  • Create content for the LinkedIn group, including the portrait series of chapter key people

  • Update the PRME Global Chapter website (oa steering group updates and upcoming events)




  • Be the focal point of contact for all finance-related including rules for reimbursement and steering group deliberations about budget and spending



Membership Admin and Onboarding Manager

  • Member recruitment per country

  • Ensure timely onboarding of new members

  • Update & administer our mailing list

  • Update the ppt kit about our chapter

  • Clean up & maintain the google drive


Krista & Eva

Events Manager

  • Plans and coordinates key chapter events with SG and members

  • Communicates regularly on event updates

  • Works closely with communication manager to communicate about events



Research Managers

  • Organise PRME World Tour Research Development Workshop, including teams folder, and promote event according to a pre-established retro-planning

  • Share research calls in LinkedIn group

Kim & Emma

Emma & Kim


Tasks for all

  • Collect & prepare impact stories & testimonies

  • Collect data & statistics on what we’ve done

  • Create KPIs for each role and measure them


Yearly Conference

  1. Once a year, on a rotation basis per country. If a country does not put forward nominations it will be opened for nominations for the next country up
  2. All PRME signatories from that country can put a candidature forward giving a motivation, proof of ability in both content and organizational skills and high level support
  3. Organizing institution is invited to sit in for the duration of that year on the SC as to ensure proper event coordination
  4. Maintain their standing as an “active” participant in the UN-backed PRME as defined by the UN; this includes, but is not limited to, the timely submission of a Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) compliant with PRME rules.
  5. The Chapter participants will provide feedback to inform the decisions through an Assembly meeting at the yearly PRME Regional France Benelux Chapter Meeting

Obligations on Participants

To maintain good standing in the Chapter, participants must fulfil the following obligations:

ANNEX I Objectives

A 5 year roadmap has been constructed with signatory input at the launch meeting in November 2017 and the Marseille Chapter meeting in May 2018. It describes the key objectives for the Chapter.







Define Vision, Mission and Values

Start developing indicators for the evaluation of the Mission and Vision

Finalize indicators for the evaluation of the Mission and Vision

Together with all chapter members, review whether Vision, Mission and Values are on track - update if necessary

Track indicators

Track indicators

Review and update Vision, Mission and Values

Report on activities

Chapter platform

Chapter platform established

Active use of platform by faculty and staff Chapter members

Active use of platform by all stakeholders (including students)


Set-up Trial governance structure

Get Deans endorsement for current Steering Group to continue for another year, allowing for continuity and setting up governance structure

Develop PRME Chapter Governance structure
(incl. finance)

Seek advice and guidance from PRME and other Chapters in doing so

Final decision on PRME Chapter Governance structure at Chapter Meeting early 2020

Graduate handover from old to new steering group members

Evaluate governance structure in place

Getting EU recognition (to be defined further)

Relations with other chapters


Develop internal and external communication strategy (considering also regional events and meetings such as RRD2)

Focus on internal stakeholder communication

Focus on internal stakeholder communication

Target non-members and invite them to join

Increased followers

Have PRME message part of/included in regional events

Membership increased

Stakeholder engagement

Inventory of all potential external stakeholders

Analysis of potential external stakeholders and prioritize

Engagement strategy of working with external stakeholders

Building and maintaining network with selected external stakeholders

Active community of external stakeholders


List of clear projects

Start working on projects

Define project creation process (create template)

Evaluate ongoing and completed projects.

Ensure a clear overview of all projects, their status, and the schools and stakeholders involved

Initiate new projects

Evaluation of the project process

Gap Analysis

Initiate new projects

Evaluate the contents and outcomes of the projects against the Mission and Vision

Initiate new projects

Publish a Chapter report on projects and activities that have been undertaken
(best practice sharing, to be used for communication as well)

Initiate new projects

Meetings (to be adjusted depending on Swiss participation)

Chapter Meeting in France

Chapter Meeting in NL (early 2019)

Chapter Meeting in Belgium

Chapter Meeting in


Chapter Meeting in


Join Our PRME France-BeNeLux LinkedIn Page:

Current PRME France-BeNeLux Chair:


ICN Business School

t: +33 (0)


Current PRME France-BeNeLux Secretary:

Eva Rood

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Tel: +31 (0)657 319932 |


Previous PRME France-BeNeLux Chair:

Eva Geluk

Antwerp Management School

t +32(0)3 265 47 58

m +32 477 093 516

Previous PRME France-BeNeLux Secretary:

Mirjam Minderman

TIAS School for Business and Society

+31 13 466 3949

PRME Chapter Website Guidelines
PRME Chapter Website Guidelines Download PRME Chapter Website Guidelines PDF
PRME Chapter MoU
PRME Chapter MoU Download PRME Chapter MoU PDF
PRME Chapter Meeting Guidelines
PRME Chapter Meeting Guidelines Download PRME Chapter Meeting Guidelines PDF
PRME Chapter Meeting 2022 Programme
PRME Chapter Meeting 2022 Programme Download PRME Chapter Meeting 2022 Programme pdf

Signatory Members

Amsterdam Business School Amsterdam School of International Business Antwerp Management School Association Léonard de Vinci Audencia Nantes School of Management Brest Business School, ESC Bretagne Brest Business Science Institute CEMS EBS Paris Ecole de Management de Normandie EDC Paris Business school EDHEC Business School EM Strasbourg emlyon business school ESCE ESCP Europe ESDES (Ecole Superieure de Developpement Economique et Social) ESSCA School of Management ESSEC Business School Excelia Business School Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social Sciences - University of Twente Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen Faculty of Management, Open University of the Netherlands Grenoble Ecole de Management Groupe ESC Clermont Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne - Burgundy School of Business HEC Paris HEC-Management School, Liege Hotelschool The Hague IAE Graduate School of Management IAE Montpellier School of Management IAE Toulouse School of Management iaelyon School of Management ICD Business School ICHEC Brussels Management School ICN Business School IESEG School of Management INSEAD Institut Mines-Télécom Business School International Business School, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences International School of Business, HAN University of Applied Sciences International School of Management (ISM) International University of Monaco IPAG Business School ISC Paris ISG Paris Business School KEDGE Business School KU Leuven Faculty of Economics and Business Louvain School of Management Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Montpellier Business School NEOMA Business School Nyenrode Business Universiteit Paris School of Business Rennes School of Business Rotterdam School of Management School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam SKEMA Business School Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management TIAS School for Business and Society Toulouse Business School (TBS) TSM Business School UBI Business School Universite Paris-Dauphine Vlerick Business School Y SCHOOLS
October 2024

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