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PRME World Tour Research Paper Development Workshop

PRME Chapter ASEAN+ is excited to host the 2nd PRME World Tour Research Paper Development Workshop. The targeted audience is composed of PhD students, newly graduated doctors, postdoctoral researchers, early career, mid-career, and senior scholars.

WORKSHOP AGENDA The Workshop is divided into two sessions.

The first session includes a Keynote lecture and the Editors’ panel. This part is open to the wider PRME community and public.

  • Keynote: Jochen Reb, Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources; Director, Mindfulness Initiatives at Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University will speak on the role and importance of mindfulness in research and publishing and the impact of rigorous research on responsible management as a practice.
  • Editors panel: The audience will attend an editors’ panel discussing how to publish responsible management and sustainable business research in international, peer-reviewed management journals. The panel will feature editors and associate editors from general management journals as well as specialized responsible management journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, Business & Society, Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, and Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Q&A/Networking: The audience will have an opportunity to directly ask questions to the keynote and panel members, and to participate in small group discussion in break-out rooms.

The second part of the workshop is only open to authors who have submitted a paper, a grant proposal, or concept note/project idea that has been accepted by the organizing committee. There will be no paper presentations; rather the session will consist of small group discussions where authors will receive direct feedback on their work in progress from invited mentors who are all experienced scholars who are editors, associate editors, board members, authors, and reviewers for leading management journals. Each accepted submission will be assigned two mentors.

Deadline for submission is on 1st June 2022. Please submit your work in progress to with the message title “PRME World Tour Research Paper Development ASEAN+”. The results shall be released on 1st July 2022.

The workshop, which will be held online, will be hosted by Monash University Malaysia (School of Business) on July 27th, 2022. Please register for attending the FIRST SESSION of the workshop at

The SECOND SESSION participation is by invitation only, exclusively to the accepted authors of the three streams comprising selected papers/grants proposals, and concept notes/project ideas.

The workshop is free for all participants. Your institution does not need to be a member of PRME Chapter ASEAN+ to participate. If you have any enquiries, please contact

See other details in the Call for Papers here: PWT ASEAN Call for Papers Participants 2022