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PRME Global

International Meeting on Education and Sustainability @ ISAE/FGV

A future based upon values will only be possible when the concepts of sustainability are embedded within education. Increasingly, Brazilian and global educational institutions are preparing managers to act personally and professionally responsible in a dynamic marketplace.

In preparation for the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, ISAE/FGV and the Consejo Latino-americano de Escuela de Administración (CLADEA) will hold an International Meeting on Education and Sustainability in Curitiba, Brazil.

The event is co-sponsored by PRME and aims to foster the exchange of experiences among educational institutions of various countries that seek to promote awareness of the relationship between education and the sustainability of the planet, as well as the formation of a critical mass for a new standard of civilization. Other expected outcomes include the integration of the work of these educational institutions with participant companies of the UN Global Compact.


Sep 13th – Opening ceremony

Sep 13thMain Panel


  • Jonas Haertle, Head, PRME Secretariat
  • Norman de Paula Arruda Filho, Director, ISAE/FGV
  • Antônio de Araújo Freitas Jr., Director, CLADEA and FGV-RJ, member of the Brazilian National Consul of Education
  • Ozires Silva, Dean, UNIMONTE, former Minister of Infra-Structure of Brazil and co-founder of Embraer

Sep 14thPanel I: Sustainability and the National Educational Plan

Speaker: Antônio de Araújo Freitas Jr., Director, CLADEA and FGV-RJ

Sep 14thPanel II: Investment in Companies Social Responsible

Speaker: Bovespa

Sep 14thPanel III: Ethics in the Organization

Speaker: Jorge Samek, General Brazilian Director of Itaipu

Sep 14thPanel IV: Rio+20 and PRME

Speaker: Jonas Haertle, Head, PRME Secretariat

For more information, please visit the event page.