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PRME Global

PRME Workshop/India Meeting @ IILM

We are pleased to announce the upcoming PRME Workshop/India Meeting, which will take place at the IILM Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi on 9 January 2014, followed by the International Conference on “Responsible Management Education and Practice” on 10-11 January.

The conference revolves around the theme of Responsible Management, which is increasingly gaining ground world-wide, not just as pure philanthropy or a ‘do good’ measure, but as a core business strategy. The conference will invite globally reputed and nationally recognised academics, practitioners, and other leaders to share, deliberate, and discuss views on themes including Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, and Sustainability. In addition to discussions and views from top managements, the conference will also be research intensive, showcasing selected papers from researchers on the above themes from across the world.

IILM invites the active participation of the PRME community, particularly those signatories from India, in this Workshop and Conference.

For more information, please visit the event webpage (coming soon), where you will find a copy of the agenda, or address questions about the meeting to IILM Dean Rakesh Chaudhry at

We look forward to seeing you in New Delhi!