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CEEMAN International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA) 2017

Short description:

IMTA is a two-week, highly intensive major European faculty development program that focuses on the multiple role of faculty (teaching, research, consultancy, and institution building), and helps motivated and high-potential faculty members improve their teaching skills, educational materials, approaches, and attitudes related to general and discipline-specific aspects of management education.

Long description:

Week 1 of IMTA Program encompasses common issues and interests related to general aspects of management education, including teaching philosophy and strategy, teaching and learning methods (particularly the case method), teaching and learning tools, course design, and students’ assessment and innovations in management education, including those based on technology. It also provides insight into the kinds of management educators that business schools are seeking, so as to achieve and sustain relevance and excellence in business education and management development.

Week 2 is discipline-focused and allows program participants to go deeper into discipline-specific issues. The second week of the IMTA 2016 program will include four or five of the following disciplinary tracks, run by prominent international faculty:

  • Business in Society (run by Tony F. Buono, Professor of Management and Sociology and Executive Director, Bentley Alliance for Ethics and Social Responsibility, USA)
  • Marketing Management (run by Joe Pons, President of AXIOMA Marketing Consultants, previously Marketing Professor at IESE International Graduate School of Management, Spain)
  • Leading Change (run by JB Kassarjian, Emeritus Professor, IMD, Switzerland and Professor of Management at Babson College, USA)
  • Strategic and International Management (run by Krzysztof Obloj, Professor of Strategic Management at the School of Management at Warsaw University and Kozminski University, Poland)

By now, IMTA has educated almost 600 management educators from 160 institutions in 40 countries around the world.

"IMTA offers a great opportunity for networking and to review latest trends in management education. I highly benefited from attending the strategy track, and it allowed me to reflect and enhance my own practices." Wolfgang Amann, HEC Paris in Qatar, IMTA 2016

For application documents, fees and additional information, visit or contact Ms. Maja Medja Vidic, CEEMAN Head of Projects,