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2024 PRME Global Students Sustainability Award

Student Organization Mission Statement

The objective of this association of students of the Computer Systems Engineering career at the Universidad Privada del Norte – Cajamarca Campus, is to promote, through technology, the development of people and care for the environment. It seeks to bring the student closer to people, but also to their environment, turning them into agents of change, seeking inclusion, service-learning and the construction of an equitable society with more opportunities for all.

How has the work of your student organization advanced the SDGs and the Seven Principles for Responsible Management Education?

Our student organization teaches and raises awareness around environmental care and the use of technology, contributing to practical learning that involve a variety of activities between students, technology, soft skills, teamwork, communication, with different benefits for the school community.

Also, we provide knowledge to the secondary school, programming topics, agile methodologies for project management and the use of technological support that allows them to provide tools useful in their training and interact with technology and its scope, giving them the opportunity to solve everyday problems.

We made it possible to bring students with disabilities closer to their classmates and the environment, strengthening their empowerment, socializing their ideas and points of view, and improving decision-making.

How has the work of your student organization built upon creative approaches?

The organization and articulation between us and our leader, the mentor teacher, allowed synergistic work, in phases, highlighting our organizational, systematic and teamwork skills. It is important to highlight the commitment of students to their community and environment and to become aware of their participation in the development of efficient and effective solutions, taking advantage of the knowledge of the University, and at the same time the knowledge provided by experience and real cases of life.

In our training, we also developed connection and interconnection capabilities with human groups. Reciprocity, empathy, understanding of reality has been a window for new perspectives of understanding the world and, from its spaces and knowledge, being able to close technological gaps and access to technology.

How has the work of your student organization impacted the university ecosystem and local/regional communities?

First project impacted 30 female students from school and had the participation of 38 university students from Computer systems engineering degree. The 4th year high school students not only received the knowledge given by UPN students, also actively participated in the process of garden installation which includes the installation of the software.

Second project positively impacted 154 female students from school and had the participation of 68 students from the Computer Systems Engineering degree at the UPN. UPN students led the learning workshops that were developed in person. The topics chosen were programming, agile methodologies for project management and Arduino workshops.

Third project positively impacted 8 female students from school with hearing disabilities and had the participation of 4 students from the Computer Systems Engineering degree at the Universidad Privada del Norte. This Project aims to include people with disabilities, without depriving them of their ideas, creativity, desire and effort in a diverse educational environment. At the same time, it is an exemplary opportunity for other schools.

How has the work of your student organization promoted student development?

The leadership provided by UPN students generated the development of their soft skills such as assertive communication, delegation of responsibilities, active listening, dialogue and service-based teaching.

This experience has allowed students to develop their technical skills, but also their soft skills such as empathy, reciprocity, teamwork and leadership. This teamwork has been extremely important for the development of UPN students, because it has allowed collaborative work, the collection of needs and problems of the school and the management of viable and effective alternatives for people with disabilities.

How has the work of your student organization promoted global cooperation?

Our work as a student organization has faced relevant social problems in the schools of Cajamarca, Lima-Peru, such as the implementation of technology for people with disabilities, transfer of information in the environment and the implementation of a vertical garden reinforced with technology for its sustainability. Since we have trained high school students on technological topics in addition to teaching them from our perspective how they can implement vertical gardens within their spaces by implementing technology. We have created a cooperative alliance with the school intervened with Cajamarca to achieve the objectives for the schoolchildren, which can be replicated in other schools in the country or countries like Peru.


  1. Rodrigo Tenorio Ramirez*- Student

  2. Esteban Manuel Gamarra Diéguez* - Student

  3. Leonardo Tenorio Ramirez* - Student

  4. César Antonio Cardozo Briceño* - Student

  5. Dany Joel Hurtado Rojas - Student

  6. Rosa Marleny Lopez Martos - Professor

  7. Linarez Vigo Marlon Joer - Professor

  8. Muñoz Abanto Nestor Elías - Professor

*Competed in simulation competition