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PRME Working Group on Poverty, a Challenge for Management Education

12th RMER Conference

Venue: Faculty of Organizational Sciences - University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

We are thrilled to announce that the 12 th Responsible Management Education Research Conference will take place on 21-23 October 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Co-organized by the PRME Anti-poverty Working Group and Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON), University of Belgrade, as the host institution – the 12 th RMER Conference will bring together management researchers and educators, business leaders, innovators, policy makers, youth, NGOs, and other stakeholders to explore critical issues in responsible management education, with a special focus on addressing global challenges through innovative and sustainable practices.

We are kindly inviting you to mark your calendar and join us, present and share your experiences, achievements and aspirations in the unique professional and friendly environment characteristic for RMER conferences.

More details on the Conference will follow soon on the Conference home page, which is under construction. This will include the Call for Track Proposals, which will be launched by the Conference Program Committee that is now being formed.

We look forward to welcoming you in Belgrade at the 12 th RMER Conference!